OpenBSD + Squid + pf Transparent www Proxy Firewall
There is a perfectly serviceable squid package in the OpenBSD ports collection. I have found that I sometimes require a newer version of squid, or that I'm running an older version of OpenBSD, and the newer squid ports are not available. Also, the port doesn't offer a straightforward method to compile squid with more than 1024 file descriptors, which you will need on a moderately busy proxy.
This is the process for setting up squid from the source tarball.
This is the process for setting up squid from the source tarball.
o Compile kernel with
option MAXFILES=8192
o Edit /etc/sysctl.conf
o Download squid, extract the file and run configure as root. Set ulimit -n 8192 before running
configure or it will use the default 1024.
# ulimit -n 8192
# ./configure --sysconfdir="/etc"
--enable-removal-policies="lru heap"
o Add a rule to /etc/pf.conf to redirect all port 80 traffic to squid
rdr on $int_if inet proto tcp from any to any \
port www -> port 2005
o Create the new user & group (use vipw to add the user, any editor to modify /etc/group)
_squid:*:515:515:daemon:0:0:Squid Account:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin
o Allow the _squid group access to /dev/pf
chgrp _squid /dev/pf
chmod g+rw /dev/pf
o In squid 2.6 and above, a single line enables the transparent proxy
http_port 2005 transparent
o /var/squid partitions, in /etc/fstab
mount options:
noatime, nodev, nosuid, softdep
o rc.local
ulimit -n 8192
o rc.shutdown
/usr/local/squid/sbin/squid -k shutdown
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